Tekniset ohjeet:


Numero Nimi Kuvaus
1. Tekniset ohjeet


Numero Nimi Kuvaus
1. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Comparing two people or things and comparing one person or thing with every other member of their group


Numero Nimi Laji Taso Pisteet Kuvaus
1. Comparatives 1 laji - vastaanottavainen helppo 1p. Multiple-choice questions: Forming regular comparatives
2. Superlatives 2 laji - tulkinta helppo 1,5p. Gap filling exercise: Complete the table with the superlative form of adjectives.
3. Comparatives and Superlatives 2 laji - tulkinta keskinkertainen 2p. Gap filling exercise: Fill in the missing comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
4. Comparatives and Superlatives (2) 2 laji - tulkinta keskinkertainen 2p. Gap-filling excercise: Complete the sentences with suitable comparative or superlative adjectives.
5. Irregular Adjectives 2 laji - tulkinta keskinkertainen 2p. Multiple-choice questions: Irregular adjectives - Further & Farther; Older/Oldest & Elder/Eldest
6. Antonyms 2 laji - tulkinta keskinkertainen 2p. Matching: Match the antonyms with the opposite meaning.