Tekniset ohjeet:
Numero | Nimi | Kuvaus |
1. | Tekniset ohjeet |
Numero | Nimi | Laji | Taso | Pisteet | Kuvaus |
1. | Epäsäännöllinen monikko | muu | helppo | 5p. | The student will learn how to implicate irregular plurals. |
2. | Gerundi, -ing | muu | keskinkertainen | 4p. | The student will learn when to use the gerund -ing |
3. | Modaaliset apuverbit | muu | keskinkertainen | 5p. | The student will learn about the modal auxilaries. |
4. | Monikko, laskettavia ja ei-laskettavia | muu | helppo | 6p. | The student will learn the difference between countable and noncountable (collective) nouns. |
5. | Prepositiot on, in, at (aika) | muu | keskinkertainen | 4p. | the student will learn when to use the prepositions on, in and at in regards to time |